Kick-Starter for 10 (part 2)
In the second part of this feature we continue with how to adapt and cope with the day-to-day management of your Kickstarter campaign; keeping the momentum going but easing the pressure off you:
- Quality is key
You may not be an artist like DaVinci or have the resonant voice of Morgan Freeman, but with cheap quality resources such as you can engage artists who can add polish to your campaign videos and graphics while being very cost-effective.Remember: The first impact that your campaign will have on a Backer comes from the NEWEST category on Kickstarter, so it has to shine and instill confidence.(Advice on great Kickstarter Thumbnail ideas to boost a campaign.) - Be Sociable
The community you build is an untapped resource waiting for you to ask for its help; use the power of the good-will in your campaign to ask Backers & Friends to spread the word – Social Media is the life blood of any campaign so a well designed social media plan can have you funded in no time.If possible, reach out to websites that relate to your idea and ask them if they can help promote your campaign – sites like us, are always looking for interesting articles and we can also setup features, reviews and adverts to help boost a campaign.Social stretch goals are also a growing trend in campaigns, they may not immediately add cash to the pot but as the word spreads it can tap into an entire new audience to back you product; the eagerness of backers to improve the games features will hopefully send a wave across their social media channels and get you an influx of new backers who ear the word.(For Social Stretch Goals or just networking in general click here.) - Be Organised
A Kickstarter campaign requires a lot of attention and you can find that you will be stretched between community comments, social networking, maintaining updates and working with production companies.If you don’t allocate fair time to each aspect you can find the campaign will be affected negatively; so get organised!Plan your campaign in advance before launch – establish a calendar (with reminders) of how frequently you want to update your campaign; allocate time in the day to monitor and respond to comments and all the time look for new opportunities to promote.(Tips on preparing your campaign) - Be Flexible
If you’ve established a well-defined campaign and been regularly communicating with your Backers but still find things aren’t going as well as they could, then be flexible and adapt your campaign where it needs to.Listen to the feedback of the community and if they feel somethings not right they will be letting you know, so if you can accommodate their concerns then adapt where you can.You can quickly turn suggestions into positive key points of your campaign which makes other potential backers take interest – you may not be surprised that people read the comments section before deciding to back…(How to maintain a positive campaign from negative comments) - Be Positive
Finally, remember that only the rarest of Creators has the smoothest Kickstarter experience so you need to remain positive throughout as there are natural peaks and troughs in any campaign.When your campaign first launches it enters the NEWEST period – this is where all new campaigns are presented to potential backers. Because of this you will see an