

2-4      Ages 4+

What’s in the box…

The deep dark wood. 

Race to make a path through the wood and be the first to use your cards. Players are given 6 cards and have to use them to add to the path by matching the images. If you cannot go then swap one card for another from the deck. The first player to play all their cards is the winner.

What’s a Gruffalo? 

Be the first to complete your picture of The Gruffalo. Each player has a set of 10 tiles which have parts of the Gruffalo showing. All the pieces are mixed together face down. One player turns over a card to show which part to find first. If you are correct then place the  tile on your board.a

If you are wrong then leave it where it is face down. If a player turns over a card showing Mouse, then they choose which part to play. It’s part memory game and part race game.

His eyes are orange…

Be the first to collect cards to make the phrases Mouse uses to scare the animals. The cards are arranged in five decks face up. Each has a part of the phrase such as ‘He has terrible tusks’. Players can pick two cards per turn or swap one of their cards with another player. As soon as a player has a completed phrase they read it out and earn a Mouse token.

The first to get all five of their Mouse tokens wins the game.

Oh help! Oh no!

A dexterity game to hide your Mouse tokens in the wood. The player boards are pushed together to make a large picture of the deep, dark wood. Each player has five Mouse tokens. A card is revealed that shows a part of the woodland where your Mouse should hide. Throw your Mouse token onto the board. If it lands in the correct place then leave it there. If you miss, then take it back.

The first player to get all their Mouse tokens in the correct places wins.

© 2019 & TM Julia Donaldson/ Axel Scheffler. Licensed by Magic Light Pictures Ltd.

“We feel extremely privileged that YAY Games have been able to make this set of games happen.

Almost 2 years ago Mojo Nation arranged a pitching session with Magic Light for any companies interested in creating something new with the wonderful IP that is The Gruffalo.

Of course, I was in like a shot having loved The Gruffalo for years.

After both I and Brett J. Gilbert pitched game ideas Magic Light offered us the chance to publish both games and something extra. It was a fantastic opportunity to bring Tony Boydell on board and make a team of three UK designers at the top of their field ready to create ground-breaking games for the family market.

The result is this really nice package of four games that people are already commenting has raised the bar in this family friendly arena. Of course, none of it would have happened without Billy and the Mojo Team.”

‘Games from the deep, dark wood’ is due for release mid to late October 2019. There will be updates and more information at www.yaygames.uk

© 2019 & TM Julia Donaldson/ Axel Scheffler. Licensed by Magic Light Pictures Ltd.